And finally, we could also call a ‘reflection from the
dreams’ Quick/Slow, the latest video by the local
veteran in this field, Zemira Alajbegović. Quick/Slow,
at first sight extremely simple study of movement, is in
the authoress’ words ‘’ the exploration of the modality
of time /.../ as well as interlacement of time and space
with the basic states of the human body and spirit.’’
Time and space in the video are not just interlaced,
but at certain moments literally glued into one; it is the
very amorphousness of the both elements that is first
reminiscent of the logics of the dreams, and then allows
(even makes) the spectator to beyond the kinetic
pleasure at watching (film is distinguished by some
exceptional editing solutions and special effects of
slowing down/acceleration of time) look for the roots
of these ‘basic states’ (mainly) inside him.
Jure Meden
Organisation: City of Women
In collaboration with: Kinodvor