Hey chick, let's click!
This year
we close the 6th International Festival of Contemporary Arts CITY OF
WOMEN (on Friday, 13th – Full Moon) in the company of the Storing
team. Storing (meaning: disturbance or noise) is a weekly
radio programme on a local radiostation in Brussels hosted by the femal duo WenKar.
WenKar present radio-specials for everyone who, and everything that is
unlawfully forgotten by mainstream vanity: housewives, pacemakers, the former
Belgian King Baldwin, or the first and oriental flavoured noodles,…
from classic pop to abstract techno, self-recorded sounds and effects, all go
down in the Storing-mix, building up a personal comment of sounds and familiar
For the
City of Women they have prepared a special dance-night by/for/with women, with
no ambition whatsoever to have balls.
WenKar is
Wendy Van Weynsberghe. She recently graduated as a philologist in English and
Dutch. She is currently working for RADIOLAB, an interactive sounds and
remix-project on the internet.
WenKar is
also Karen Vanderborght. In 1995 she graduated as a master of audio-visual arts
and was winner of the first prize in the experimental atelier. Last May
she premiered her 5th experimental short Les Soeurs Lumière
(The Lumière Sisters) at the Kunstenfestivaldes Arts in Brussels.
by Mesto žensk / City of Women
In cooperation with Klub