Not Only One Day of Slovene Women’s Film and Video
Selected by Maja Weiss.
A selection of films and video productions made after 1991 will be presented in a day-long marathon. This is a presentation of genres, lengths, formats and themes in work by different Slovene women directors. This will be an important and unique event which has never occurred in the entire history of Slovene film.
Why it has never happened, and why no feature movie has been made by a FEMALE DIRECTOR, why the women's omnibus fell through few years ago, why there are now women representatives on the managing board of the Slovene Film Fund and various commissions, why and if at all there are better times to come for both film as a part of Slovene culture and female directors as partof it: all these questions and their answers will be presented at the marathon in Kinoteka.
The programme includes:
- documentaries by TV directors: Helena Koder, Alenka Auersperger, Breda Kovič, Majda Širca, Alma Granič, Vesna Marčič, Gaga Stojan, Hanka Kastelic, Marjana Lavrič, Marjeta Keršič Svetel
- short documentaries by: Janja Glogovac, Katarina Lavš, Marija Millas
- short feature films by: Aleksandra Vokač and Polona Sepe
- a short animated cartoon by: Mojca Zlokarnik
- video-art by: Aina Smid & Marina Gržinić, Jasna Hribernik, Nataša Prosenc, Zemira Alajbegović & Neven Korda, Ema Kugler, Mojca Pungarčar
- a selection of short documentary and featute films from AGRFT, the Slovene Academy for Radio, Film and Theatre, by: Maja Weiss, Petra Hauc, Urška Žnidaršič, Špela Kuclar, Urška Kos, Varja Močnik, Hanna A.W. Slak.
To accompanying the event in Kinoteka a catalogue with short interviews, C.V.'s and filmographies of the directors and texts by Majda Širca, Nerina Kocijančič, Vlado Škafar, Franci Slak wil be published.
We will interrupt the Marathon-screening at 6pm. During the intermission Maja Weiss and her colleagues will give you some insight in the programme and present their publication.
Videocopies of all films and videos of the film-marathon will be available for screening in the city of Women library (Cankarjev dom). The Videolibrary is open evry festival day from 10 am till 6pm.
Organised by: Slovene Cinematueque in collaboration with City of Women With the support of: Zavod za odprto družbo / The Open Society Institute Slovenia
Price: 500 SIT (Kinoteka members: 250 SIT)