Preparing for Old Age (Pripremanje za starost)
mother’s old age came in the form of the unknown.
go on with this introspective record, my autobiographical approach, individual
mythology, as if it were inevitable. Existence is modifiable in the form of the
transitions that ineluctably accompany us. The harsh reality of everyday life,
such as the nursing of /old/ mother poses a moral question about priorities and
the place of art in it all.
put a personal problem into a universal situation, capable of meeting ethical
and aesthetic standards alike. Emotion though has a special place; nearly
perfect discipline and organisation. Mother is old. She’s in her micro-world of
photographs are sketches of my mother’s repetitions; through sickness,
senility, infirmity and lack of purpose, perhaps lack of desire. They are
segments of her being that lives in a natural rhythm of transitoriness /
Photographs put in a closet / the fetish of female mythology / create
an atmosphere that might evoke strong memories as well as a feeling of unease
that invites me to cope with it. (Vlasta Delimar)
Organisation: City of Women; In collaboration with;
Škuc Gallery.