Kamera Laüft
The flexible, precarious, paid,
underpaid and unpaid features
of cultural production and
creative labour today is the
subject of the fictional reality-TV
project Kamera Laüft! [Camera
rolling!]. Employing the methods
of ‘militant research’, a method
developed by Operaist and
feminist movements in the
1970s kleines postfordistisches
Drama (kpD) asked cultural
producers in Berlin, including
themselves, to describe their
work lives, what they like, what
desires they have for change,
and about their position on
cultural production and social
activism. The material was
transposed into a script to
which a team of actors play out
the various work/life dramas.
Questions revolved around
autonomy, self-entrepreneurship,
working conditions, and
the potential for new forms of
politicization and collective
Organization: City of Women; In
collaboration with: Squat Exercise Collective, Revolting Women Social Workers,
Azil Bookshop.
Supported by: EU Culture.