Hiroko Tanahashi

Hiroko Tanahashi (Japan/Berlin) is a graduate of Tisch School of the Arts Film and Television Program at New York University (BFA) and of the MFA Program in Multi Media Design and Technology at Parsons School of Design, New York, where she focused on interactive media arts. She has worked as art director for film and stage designer for theatre. She is a core member of post theater since 1999. Hiroko has realised various performances, solo exhibitions, and video installations, for instant The Last Circus (2002), an interactive theatre piece, which has been shown at the Parsons Auditorium, New York; FLIE (2003), a hybrid between design and fine arts, a post card sculpture at Laura Mars Group, Berlin; the ongoing Tanabata Performance series, a mobile car installation in different cities at the annual Tanabata (The Day of the Milky Way) Holiday (in Berlin, Vienna and Belgrade); Delicious Moves (2004), a culinary graphic exhibition installation about legendary Japanese Bento boxes (Zagreus Projekt Berlin), or Heavenly Bento (2004), a multimedia theatre about two founders of a Japanese electronic concern, which premiered recently at the Theatre Biennale, Bonn.

