The Tricky Women festival’s focus on female creators
of artistic animated film is unique in Europe. The
biennial festival, which takes place in March in Vienna,
is the highlight of a diverse range of cultural activities
carried out by Culture2Culture.
Tricky Women brings a broad spectrum of topics,
aesthetics, narrative styles and techniques into the public
domain and gives new impetus to animation artists.
Works range from those in the classic style, through
narrative puppet animation, to innovative and abstract
computer-generated animation.
Tricky Women festival programme includes international
competition with an international jury of experts and the
following prizes: Tricky Women City of Vienna Prize
and a 3-month grant as part of the Quartier21 Artist in
Residence Programme in Vienna’s Museum Quarter, as
well as an Audience Award.
Culture2Culture proudly present a selection of films
from the Tricky Women festival. In addition to awardwinning
films from the Tricky Women 2005 competition,
this special programme also encompasses a number
of animations which relate to in/security - the theme of
this year’s City of Women festival.
Üks Uks (trailer) Tricky Women 2005 by Maya Yonesho,
Extn. 21 by Lizzie Oxby, UK
Just one call and everything would be resolved; but
someone (or something) is intercepting the calls...
Passport by Siri Melchior, UK
A dark, poetic story of a family trying to escape on a
night train.
Feathers by Elicia
Fineston, UK
A Bird/Woman attempts
to fly in order to escape
from her fox-like husband.
Fire by Jenny Bowers, UK
If your house was burning down and you could rescue one thing, what
would it be?
Agricultural Report by Melina Sydney Padua, Ireland
A new strain of a disease dangerous to livestock is being discussed
on the radio. A cow listening to the programme naturally gets rather
worried about the topic.
Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining
by Barbara Doser, Austria
Observation, integration, manipulation, transformation,
protection, trepidation, imagination, consideration, irritation...
A never-ending story - facts in real and virtual space.
Feel it by Susi Jirkuff, Austria
George W. Bush singing and dancing to rap music. This
video clip sees George W. Bush, Colin Powell and
Condoleezza Rice performing a rap number together in
the Oval Office. Stereotypes of Hip Hop and Afro-
American Music, of politicians, their obsession with
power and macho attitudes are re-mixed for this video.
Music: Timbaland and Magoo
Communications Factory by Jen Sachs, USA
Isolated by her job at a communications technology
plant, a lonely young woman discovers escape through
an unexpected use of her company’s product.
Special Mentions
Puleng by Ali Taylor, UK
Puleng struggles to take care of her ailing father as a
terrible drought comes to an end with the arrival of rain.
Everything was life by Ellie Land, UK
An experimental documentary about female genital mutilation.
Pocedi Trymion / Heavy
Pockets by Sarah Cox, UK
A film about a girl who
becomes immune to the
effects of gravity.
Quartier21 Artist in Residence
(3-month scholarship in Vienna’s Museum Quarter)
Wie gewünscht / As You Wish by Anna Kalus, Germany
A prince is given three wishes as a present.
Tricky Women City of Vienna Prize and Festival Audience Award
City Paradise by Gaëlle Denis, UK
When Tomoko arrives in London, she has no idea that
soon she will discover a mysterious secret hidden
beneath the city.
Culture2Culture has been organizing cultural as well as
scientific and interdisciplinary events focusing on
women, film & video since 1991. The association’s objective
is to draw public attention to the artistic and cultural
work of women. Devoted exclusively to female animation
film, the first Tricky Women festival took place in
March 2001 in Vienna and was a great success.
Through Nostalgia by Živa Moškrič, Slovenia / UK
Through Nostalgia is a part of Soundmaps, a project
dealing with the relationship between music, narrative
and visuals within a motion graphics piece, and in which
narrative and movement are directly based on as well as
driven by music. The content of Through Nostalgia
explores attitudes towards past, childhood and memories.
Selection: Culture2Culture (Austria)
An additional animation selected by the City of Women
Üks Uks (trailer) Tricky Women 2005, Maya Yonesho, Japan
Extn. 21, Lizzie Oxby, UK, 2002, Beta-SP, 9’
Passport, Siri Melchior, UK, 1999, Beta-SP, 6’ 49’’
Feathers, Elicia Fineston, UK, 1999, Beta-SP, 5’ 38’’
Fire, Jenny Bowers, UK, 1999, Beta-SP, 1’
Agricultural Report, Melina Sydney Padua, Ireland, 2004, 35mm, 2’
Don’t piss down my back..., Barbara Doser, Austria, 2002, Beta-SP, 11’
Feel it, Susi Jirkuff, Austria, 2004, DVD, 5’ 40’’
Communications Factory, Jen Sachs, USA, 2004, Beta-SP, 6’ 30’’
Puleng, Ali Taylor, UK, 2004, DVD, 3’ 07’’
Everything was life, Ellie Land, UK, 2004, DVD, 4’
Pocedi Trymion / Heavy Pockets, Sarah Cox, UK, 2004, 35mm, 5’ 58’’
Wie gewünscht / As You Wish, Anna Kalus, Germany, 2003, DVD, 14’ 02”
City Paradise, Gaëlle Denis, UK, 2004, 35mm, 6’
Through Nostalgia, Živa Moškrič, Slovenia / UK, 2005, DVD, 4’
Organisation: City of Women
In collaboration with: Kinodvor
With support of: British Council, Slovenia