Marijs Boulogne (1978), theatre maker, playwright and performer, graduated as theatre director in 2002 at Rits (Brussels). Her works have been translated in seven languages and have been performed in many countries under her own direction. She wrote and directed Voulez-vous poeper avec moi, Herzschmerz; Love Zero Control and Endless Medication (co-written with Manah Depauw); Picknick!, Good Habits, Excavations, The Anatomy Lesson, Marzipan or Plexi, and Who wants to be holy. Recurring themes in her work are female sexuality, and different kinds of ecstasy, lust for friendship and betrayal, and female strategies of liberation throughout the ages.
Slovenian audience could see her performance Endless Medication in 2005 at City of Women festival. In 2006 the Slovene adaptation of same performance Večna Medikacija, co-directed by Marijs Boulogne and Simona Semenič took place. In 2009 she wrote and directed project Marzipan or Plexi in collaboration with Slovenian and Belgian performers.