What If
The solo performance What If? practises various prescribed and recommended lifestyles.
It is the embodiment of conditionality, both the one dominating the formation
of perceptions on socially acceptable ways of being as well as that which cuts
into the auto-pilots of what is dictated. Through ideas of hysteria, shame and
pleasure, the performer will construct a polyvalent language, juxtaposing
autobiographical anecdotes, theory, a symptomatology of affective concepts and
imagery of popular culture whilst quoting the ever-shifting idea of
"being-in". (Emanat Institute)
and performer: Maja Delak;Texts: Saša Rakef, Maja Delak; Music:
Luka Prinčič; Programming: Jakob
Leben, Luka Prinčič; Light design:
Urška Vohar
Production: Emanat Institute;
Co-production: City of Women, Dance Theatre Ljubljana; In collaboration with:
Bunker Institute, Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana, Svetvinčenat Festival
of Dance and Non-Verbal Theatre, Mediterranean Dance Centre
Price: € 7, € 5 (students
and pensioners upon submission of an identity card, and self-employed in
culture), unemployed free entry.