Tatiana Bazzichelli
Born in Italy in 1974, Tatiana Bazzichelli is a communication sociologist and an expert in network culture, hacktivism and net art, as well as a founder of the AHA: Activism-Hacking-Artivism networking project, which won an honorary mention in the digital communities category at the 2007Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, Austria. Bazzichelli organised a variety of events and conventions towards the end of the 1990s, including Porno Karaoke, Hackmit!, Cum2Cut, Hack.it.art, MediaDemocracy and Telestreet. She has lived in Berlin since 2003, and these days writes about art, media and hacktivism as a freelance journalist. Tatiana Bazzichelli recently published a book entitled Networking. La rete come arte (The Net as Artwork).