16. October 2008

Social Darwinism

Social Darwinism is a “theory”, or rather a pre-theoretical
construct, borrowing Darwin’s
name and his (pre-)scientific concept. The theory established itself at a time
when notions of fitness and biological rationalizations of inequality occupied the
collective imagination. The mother of later eugenics theories (the origins of
modern genetic engineering) attempts to scientifically legitimize capitalism
and the unscrupulous laissez-faire market; it misapplies biological principles –
the survival of the fittest and natural selection – to the social, political,
and economic realms. Natural selection (as man’s destiny) readily justifies
“artificial selection” – the elimination and modification of “undesirable”
elements in the name of human domination par excellence. The panel will be
moderated by Miha Zadnikar, activist, essayist, lecturer who has long been
associated with the festival.

The discussion will be conducted in English,
Slovene and BCS languages. Translation will be provided.

Organized by: City of Women
In collaboration with: Škuc Gallery