U-GEN-A-CHIX: Why are Women like Chickens?
performance is designed to reveal how eugenic desires and profit motives drive
and govern the genetic engineering of humans, animals and agriculture, and produce
a new eugenic consciousness. The artists will engage the general public in a
hands-on performance and critical dialog about the ways scientific information is
performed and distributed, and in examining their various roles in the economic
conditions of bio- and information technologies. Participants in subRosa’s ‘research’
are invited to contemplate how human Assisted Reproductive Technologies are
connected to the genetic engineering of chickens, pharming, cloning, and
eugenic breeding, or “Why are women like chickens?”
Organized by: City of Women
In collaboration with: Škuc Gallery
With the support of: the Embassy of the United States of America
in Ljubljana, Robert
Morris University,
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago