Imagine a Touchable World
globalized system of food production, processing, and distribution has detrimental effects on our drinking
water, the air, and the soil, which have become depleted and poisoned as a
result, on the economies of less powerful and affluent countries, on our
health, and on the conditions of workers paid less than a living wage to make
our food appear in supermarkets and restaurants as if by magic. Inside the United States,
the heartland and an aggressive exporter of industrial food production, there
is currently an accelerated trend toward organic and locally produced food. The
question is: What are the strengths and weaknesses of efforts to create
sustainable agriculture? And how can we connect these positive efforts to
movements for food security in other parts of the world?
Organized by: City of Women
In collaboration with: Škuc Gallery
With the support of: the Embassy of the United States of America
in Ljubljana, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago