Artist Talk
In addition to offering short introductions to the work of
guest artists and authors, the Artist Talk at the 14th International
Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women
will address the questions of what is the position of art in
contemporary Europe and how to organize a struggle for the
recomposition of art practices outside the structures and
domination of the capitalist art market. The discussion will
cover topics ranging from repressive mechanisms of biopower, the chain reactions of environmentalism, active citizenship,
apocalypse, and death, to domestic animals and the bands of
Artist Talk with:
Anton Mirto & Alit Kreiz (A2), Julia Bardsley, Isild Le
Besco, Ilvana Dizdarević (DJane elle.m.), Simona Levi & Xavi
Farrés (Conservas), Natalie Jeremijenko, Leja Jurišić, Bara
Kolenc, Breda Kralj, Isabelle Krieg, Metka Maček, Vera Neubauer,
Clare Pentecost, María Pérez, Femina Ludens, Ivana
Rašić (Sajsi), Mira Strnad & Nataša Brecelj, Timea Szalas
(DJane Timika), Tina Valentan, Hylla Willis & Faith Wilding
(subRosa), Lidija Živčič
Artist Talk will be conducted in English. Translation into Slovene will be provided.
Organized by: City of Women
In collaboration with: Škuc Gallery
With the support of: Lenovo Technology Slovenia
Free admission