The Better to Kiss You With (Para besarte major)
Para acariciarte major, Para verte major, Para besarte major and Retorno a la pubertad are four video performances by Jessica Lagunas to be shown at the City of Women 2010. They are the artist’s reaction to society’s obsession with the picture perfect image of the body beautiful; not surprising response, considering today’s obsession with flawlessly perfect models staring daily from billboards, TV screens and news stands all over the place. Regardless of tiresome airbrushing and photoshopping, the world is fixated with such presentations, forgetting that we all come in different shapes and forms. Nobody is perfect, as perfection is often an illusion easily manipulated, especially in today’s digital age.
Almost maniacally, in her works Lagunas with a pair of tweezers removes her pubic hair and applies mascara, nail varnish and lipstick in a ritualistic manner until her body is transformed from its beautiful, natural condition into an increasingly chaotic muddle.
Organisation: City of Women; In collaboration with: Škuc Gallery; Archives of the Republic of Slovenia.