2: Dialogue with Lucinda / Evening of two dances
Lucinda Childs, the icon of postmodernism, had enraptured Nicole Beutler with her refined minimalist masterpieces, and so Beutler, one of the most exciting choreographers within contemporary dance in the Netherlands, produced an artistic remake of two of Childs’ early works: Radial Courses (1976) and Interior Drama (1977). In the former, four motion sequences are the basis for a constantly shifting composition, whilst in the latter five performers dance a hallucinatory and seemingly perfect system.
In addition to constantly flirting with performance and theatre, Nicole Beutler's choreographies are distinguished by their musicality and subtle humour. What she shares with Childs is an apparently simple and strict minimalism, with very few interventions – mostly just lighting – and an absolute focus on the performer. (Urska Comino)
»Nicole Beutler adapts two choreographies by Lucinda Childs, creating a highly engaging work.« - Miriam van der Linden (De Volkskrant, March 2010)
Concept, Choreography: Nicole Beutler; Made in collaboration with: Repetitor Ty Boomershine;
Artistic assistance: Bojana Mladenovic; Dancers: Hillary Blake Firestone, Naiara Mendioroz, Aimar Pérez Gali, Javier Vaquero Ollero, Marjolein Vogels; Internship: Rozemarijn de Neve; Lighting design: Minna Tiikkainen; Costume: Jessica Helbach; Music composition: Gary Shepherd; Piano: Alecs Gruijc; Technique: Martin Kaffarnik; Production: Josta Obbink; Management: Janine Dijkmeijer; 2: Dialogue with Lucinda is commissioned by COVER#2; Coproduction: nb & COVER #2.
Organisation: City of Women; In collaboration with: Old Power Station - Elektro Ljubljana
Supported by Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands – Focuse’10 Programme & FONDS PODIUM KUNSTEN PERFORMING ARTS FUND NL.