Milijana Babić
Milijana Babić (1974) is a visual artist whose work often enters the field of live art. She lives and works in Rijeka, Croatia. The starting point of her work is often her own position as a woman and artist, which she questions in her immediate surroundings. She received her BFA at the Durban Institute of Technology, Durban, Republic of South Africa, in 2001, and her MFA at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 2007. She is a long-term collaborator of the City of Women, as an artist and festival team member. Since 2007, she has been associated with the Academy of Applied Arts in Rijeka, working as an assistant lecturer and in development of a new study programme, Media Arts and Practices. She is a member of the Rijeka-based artists-run space Delta 5. Her work has been exhibited internationally.
At the City of Women festival, she has presented the solo exhibitions Nonsense, Alkatraz Gallery, AKC Metelkova City (2003) and Looking For Work, ŠKUC Gallery (2013), and participated in the group exhibition Spellbound, ŠKUC Gallery (2011). Outside of the festival framework, City of Women produced two of her performances, Santa (2004) and Building a Bright Future (2011).