Ma√15' {idiosyncrasy}| sin x= ly-fx²¯
self-suspension performance Ma√15' {idiosyncrasy}| sin x= ly-fx²¯ combines
Japanese rope bondage with aspects of ballet. The base material consists of 70
meters of hemp rope, pointe shoes and turquoise dye. In the rehearsal process,
a medusa-like character evolved, as well as a sort of dancing satyr. She ties
herself up and suspends herself in the air, and so generates hovering moments
of mental silence, against the synthesizer rock of Antonio Vivaldi’s ‘Winter’.
Besides the
sensual and conventional use of bondage in couple constellations, ropes can
also be used to tie one’s own self up. This act is often done by women. It does
not focus on hierarchic sexualized dynamics or romanticized longing. Rather, it
reveals an interior monologue and plays figuratively with gestures of
self-determination and enjoyment. Nevertheless, physical nakedness in a public
context opens up fields of tension. But the transparent emotional situation
allows for it to take a back seat, to become more normal, because the texture
of ropes have a distinctive effect against bare skin.
Concept, Performance, Costume: Dasniya Sommer; Music: Antonio Vivaldi,
Frets On Fire, www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUbeN2x2aQU; Produced by: Tanztage
Berlin GbR, 2009, in cooperation with Sophiensaele Berlin e.V.; Subsidized
by the Senate Chancellery Berlin – Cultural
Department; Co-produced by Schwelle 7.
Organisation: City of
Women; In collaboration with: Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana.