Through the lens of film: Women on Women
Natural selection (Prirodni odabir)
Aleta Rajič, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Croatia, 2019, DCP, coloured, 10', ap, svp
The Woman-Doe is a living sculpture trapped in urban spaces of boredom and melancholia, and in the utopian museums where she works. She finds entertainment in pretending to be a human and posing as one (cleaning, drinking coffee, smoking, sleeping). But problems arrive when signs of animal rage begin to appear on her forehead in the form of horns.
Rooster (Pivac)
Sabrina Begović-Ćorić, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Croatia, 2018, DCP, coloured, 15', ap, svp
It is International Women’s Day. Today, a Police Inspector Danijel will finally show his affection to his colleague Stella. Today, a victim of domestic violence Milica will finally report her abuser. However, the inevitable encounter between the two of them will ruin their plans.
When the morning dawns (Kad jutro svane)
Karmen Obrdalj, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2021, DCP, coloured, 23', ap, svp
A lonely, self-conscious young woman spends her days drinking wine on the roof and waiting for her boyfriend to come home. She can sense that something is wrong – he has suddenly become cold towards her. We watch what happens to them over the course of the “one more day” they stay together.
Piece of Freedom (Komadić slobode)
Sara Ristić, Bosnia and Hercegovina, digital format, coloured, 7'10''
During a chaotic cleaning of their apartment because of impending guests, mom Esma is berating her daughter Ena for not cleaning the “proper” way. Ena is sent to buy groceries. On the way from the market, Ena gets whisked away into a magical world as she searches for the origin of a mysterious sound.
Anna Fernandez de Paco, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Great Britain, 2022, DCP, coloured, 15', ap, svp
Boja is living her last years of life working hard on the family farm. Her brother’s patriarchal reign additionally weights on the inescapable routine of Boja’s life. To escape, Boja finds solace in the pastoral visions of nature, as she roams through the memories of days of the past.
The film screening will be followed by a discussion with Aleta Rajič, Sabrina Begović Ćorić and Karmen Obrdalj, moderated by Varja Močnik. The discussion will be held in English.
In collaboration with Directors Guild of Slovenia, Bosnian Academic Association in Slovenia and City of Women.