No Time for Art 0.3.
In No Time for Art 0.3., a dialogue takes
place between two young men who are both locked within a system that
dangerously overshadows their future. One is doing his mandatory Military
Service while outside his country is burning and dramatically changing course;
the army nevertheless keeps on functioning and following the chain of command,
business as usual.
The other
is locked away in an Egyptian prison cell on false charges and is still
awaiting his retrial. His views on the inside of the prison and the country,
combined with the desperately grabbing onto life outside, are proclaimed by
letters that were smuggled out of the prison to his sister, who performs his
part, and the director.
The two
testimonies hold strange similarities, and the intercutting creates one meta-story
that gives us an insight and reflection on how to deal with these superimposed
systems that don’t allow any questions or change.
Concept & direction: Laila Soliman, Ahmed El Gendy,
Habiba Hegazy, Sherin Hegazy Based on
testimonies by: Ahmed El Gendy, Habiba Hegazy, Sherif Hegazy Production, Lights & Video: Ruud
Gielens Special Thanks: Nedjma Hadj
Performed in Arabic with English subtitles.
City of Women; In collaboration with: Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana
Price: €7, €5 (students and pensioners upon
submission of an identity card, and self-employed in culture), unemployed free