Who is Afraid of the Other
The round-table discussion Who is Afraid of the Other
will discuss the issue of fearing the Other from philosophical,
sociological, aesthetic, and artistic points of view. The Other
manifests itself differently in each incarnation, depending on time,
social-political context, and specific situation – it can be either
uncivilized, barbarian, dirty, cunning, or simply culturally,
politically, ideologically, and religiously different. Where does this
fear come from, where does it lead to, who acts as its encourager and
abuser, and how can it be confronted? What, most importantly, does fear
of the Other tell us about ourselves? The discussion will at the same
time address the possibilities of placing this fear within an artistic
context, on the one hand, and rethink its possible aesthetic reception,
on the other. In other words, the debate will walk across borderline
areas in art, while exploring the possibilities of political engagement
in the artistic sphere. The round-table will gather together: artist
Azra Akšamija; philosopher Rado Riha, researcher and professor at SRC
SASA; aesthetician Lev Kreft, Professor at the Faculty of Arts and
Director of the Peace Institute; and architect, painter, and
sociologist Beatriz Tomšič Čerkez researcher and lecturer at the Faculty
of Education. The discussion will be hosted by Lana Zdravković, researcher at the Peace Institute and KITCH artist. (Lana Zdravkovi)
Organization: City of Women; In collaboration with: SRC SASA;
Supported by: Austrian Cultural Forum - Ljubljana.