“Girls will be boys and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world.”
(Lola, The
Lectures, performances, readings, installations,
screenings, workshops and debates looking at the performance of identity – the
ways femininity can be 'performed' and representations of gender can be queered
through performance. Just Like A Woman
features a dazzling array of UK
based artists - women performing women, women performing men, men performing
women, and artists who go beyond the limits of gender altogether.
Program Just
Like A Woman is part of the Live Art Development Agency’s Restock, Rethink, Reflect 3: Live Art and
Feminism initiative, mapping
and marking the impact of performance on feminist histories and the
contribution of artists to discourses around contemporary gender politics. Program features Lois Weaver, George Chakravarthi, The Girls,
Dickie Beau, Nando Messias, Lucy Hutson, Laura Bridgeman &
Serge Nicholson, and David Hoyle.
Live Art Development Agency, London develops Resources, Professional Development
Initiatives, Projects and Publications for the support and development of Live
Art artists and audiences in the UK and internationally.
The Agency houses an open access research library;
runs Unbound, an online shop for Live Art books, DVDs and editions; pioneers
models of artistic and professional development, dialogue and debate;
contributes to research culture and education; and develops inventive ways of
increasing access to, and engagement with, Live Art through programming and
publishing projects. All aspects of the Agency’s work are informed by
issues of difference and diversity, and are grounded in a commitment to
creating the conditions in which innovation, experimentation and risk can
The Live Art Development Agency is the co-ordinator of
Live Art UK, the national network of Live Art promoters.
Organisation: City of Women;
In collaboration with: Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana, Club Gromka, Club
Tiffany, Menza Pri Koritu, Glej Theatre, Alkatraz Gallery, Museum of
Contemporary Arts Metelkova, Aksioma – Project Space.
You may purchase a single ticket good for
all payable events in the context of “Just Like A Woman”. The ticket price is €
20 and can be booked at pr@cityofwomen.org until October 10th, 2013 at the
latest. The tickets can be paid for and picked up at the Glej Theatre box
office on October 11th, 2013 between 5 pm and 6 pm or upon agreement.