we, the witches
Simona Semenič
we, the witches
In Slovenian
10/7 € (ticket reservations in the City of Women, sales at the venue)
Simona Semenič wraps up her trilogy of verbal solo performances – i, victim (2007) and the second time (2014) – with a collective study of the feminine. She is interested in an open working process, questioning patriarchy and its impact on the individual and collective imperative of “the second sex”, while searching for and establishing mechanisms for transcending such (Slovenian) social determinism. The performance itself will be rhythmically introduced by five workshops, in which the participants will acquaint themselves with red tents, herbalism, feminist theory, shakti dance and the power of one’s own voice.
28 August, 13.00–20.00, Intakt Dance Studio: Suzana Grau – Red Tents
29 August, 10.00–16.00, Intakt Dance Studio: Irena Z. Tomažin – Power of One’s Own Voice
5 September, 12.00–17.00, CePetka JSKD: Katja Čičigoj – Feminist Theory
12 September, 10.00–18.00, Metelkova 6: Metka Maček – Herbalism
18 September, 10.00–14.00, Intakt Dance Studio: Nataša Tovirac – Shakti Dance
The performance and the one-day workshops are women-only events. They are free of charge and the number of participants is limited; each person can apply for only one workshop. Please apply at least five days in advance at rezervacije@cityofwomen.org, where you can also receive additional information.
Concept: Simona Semenič; dramaturgy: Simona Hamer; technical support and scenography: Petra Veber; content advice and workshop: Suzana Grau; workshop: Metka Maček, Katja Čičigoj, Irena Z. Tomažin, Nataša Tovirac; executive production: Urška Jež; production: City of Women; co-production: KD Integrali; supported by: JSKD, Maska, Gromka Club.