Maja Weiss
Maja Weiss graduated in film direction from the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television. To date, she has directed over forty films and won almost as many awards. She is the first Slovenian female director of a feature film for the big screen, namely Varuh meje (Guardian of the Frontier, 2002), which won several international awards. Her internationally most successful documentary film was Cesta bratstva in enotnosti (Brotherhood and Unity Road, 1999), among the three best full-length digitally filmed documentaries in the world according to the International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam. International acclaim and awards also went to Fant, pobratim smrti (Boy, Blood Brother of Death, 1991) and Fant, pobratim smrti 2 (Boy, Blood Brother of Death 2, 2012). The three films on Sudan (Nuba, čisti ljudje (Nuba, Pure People), 1999; Dar Fur, vojna za vodo (Dar Fur, War for Water), 2007; Oči in ušesa Boga (The Eyes and Ears of God), 2012), directed in co-authorship with Tomo Križnar, were screened and praised across the world. Between 2005 and 2007, she was President of the Filmmakers Guild of Slovenia. She is a member of the European Film Academy, the Directors Guild of Slovenia and other expert organisations.