Maja Šorli
Maja Šorli obtained her PhD at the Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), University of Ljubljana, in 2011. She is a researcher, author of scientific articles and artistic theatrical texts, dramaturge, scriptwriter, pedagogue and intermedia artist. She is the author of the monograph, Slovenska postdramska pomlad (Slovene Post-Dramatic Spring), and a co-editor of the monographs, Hibridni prostori umetnosti (Hybrid Artistic Spaces) (AGRFT, University of Ljubljana, and MASKA, 2012), and Dinamika sprememb v slovenskem gledališču 20. Stoletja (The Dynamics of Changes in the Slovene Theatre of the 20th Century) (AGRFT, University of Ljubljana, and MASKA, 2010). Šorli conducted the PreGlej laboratory, which received the Zlato gnezdo Award (the Golden Nest Award) for progress and an international exchange of dramatic writings. Šorli is a member of the international research group, STEP, and The Association of Slovene Theatrical Critics and Theatrologists. She participated in the research ‘The Value of Amateur, Subsidised and Commercial Theatre for Tyneside’s Audiences,’ executed by The Royal Central School of Speech & Drama, University of London. Maja led the programme TOP in Glej Theatre, which was dedicated to reflections on contemporary theatre. She is the managing editor of the journal, Amfiteater.