Document Missing: On Methodology (text, voice and body)
2022/23, Installation
“Document Missing” is an ongoing research project started in 2014, focused on the forms, narratives, and aesthetics of the resistance strategies and political actions of the women in Macedonia in the first half of the 20th century in relation to today's forms of resistance. As a main source of information, Hristina Ivanoska uses the transcribed and archived oral testimonies of participants and eyewitnesses involved in the emancipatory and liberation movements in Macedonia that were collected and institutionally preserved after WWII. This installation is a fragment from an exhibition formed in a dialogue with the historian Ivana Hadzievska and the ethnologist and activist Jana Kocevska. They invited her to be part of the research team focusing on the forgotten magazine “Makedonka” published in the Macedonian language in the period 1944-1952 as an Organ of the Women’s Antifascists Front of Macedonia, as part of Women’s Antifascists Front of Yugoslavia established on December 6, 1942. Ivanoska’s research was dedicated to the first number of “Makedonka” issued under extremely difficult conditions on November 7, 1944. It provoked her to think about what it means to create and edit emancipatory content, and what will be the key terms when one thinks about this process. Starting from there, she focused on her own methodology from where she extracted the three essential elements related to her understanding of performance and performativity: text, voice, and body.