Turkmenbashi, mon amour
The animation Turkmenbashi,
My Love features the famous virtual character, Mouchette created by
artist Martine Neddam in 1997. The scenario was inspired by a love letter
addressed to Turkmenistan’s dictator, the late Saparmurat ‘Turkmenbashi’
Nyazov. Over occasional sightings of his image (statues, digital photos,
monuments) in the city of Ashgabat, she comments ironically about one of the
most repressive and least known dictators on Earth. Dealing with a highly
sensitive topic, the adventures of Mouchette in Turkmenistan stages the meeting
of two fictitious characters, one being the dictator, in order to convey actual
information about a real country. (Martine Neddam)
Organisation: City of Women; In collaboration with: Škuc