Minna Henriksson's drawing Unfolding Nordic Race Science (2016). Photo: artist’s archive.
Minna Henriksson's drawing Unfolding Nordic Race Science (2016). Photo: artist’s archive.
6. October 2022
17.00 – 17.30

From Elite Occultists to Anti-revolutionaries and the NSDAP

Minna Henriksson
2022, 25′

Minna Henriksson’s performative lecture at the The South in Us: Constructing and Performing Ideology exhibition opening is part of her work From Elite Occultists to Anti-revolutionaries and the NSDAP (2022), a hand-drawn diagram tracing connections from theosophy to antisemitic esoteric movements, popular among elite bohemian circles in the late 19th-century and early 20th-century Europe, and from thereon to fiercely anti-Communist paramilitary units annihilating revolutionary upsurges in the post-WW1 Europe, and finally to the Nazi party, financially supported by the elite occultists. The performance lecture offers a tour of the diagram and provides further insights into the topic.

Commissioned by the City of Women.

Artists and collaborators
Minna Henriksson
Video: Urša Bonelli Potokar