Tea Hvala
Tea Hvala has a BA in comparative literature and sociology of culture and an MA in gender anthropology. She is a writer, editor, critic and translator. She writes about feminist theory, activism and art, and translates academic and literary texts. In the past, she co-organised the Red Dawns festival (2000–2014), co-authored the Sektor Ž show at Radio Študent (2007–2017) and ran sci-fi writing workshops In Other Wor(l)ds (2008–2016). Since 2015, she co-organises the Deuje babe (Wild Hags) festival at the Cerkno alternative youth centre C.M.A.K. Since 2018, she oversees the City of Women’s library, publishing programme and art education programme. She is the (co-)author of numerous zines, teaching materials and the children’s book Skrivna bolnišnica (Secret Hospital, 2017), as well as editor of the travel guide A Path of Their Own: 25 Excursions into Women’s History (2021).