Step Aside, Lady Gaga!! The Future of Our Bodies and the Japanese Paradigm
After the “free love” era of the 70s, we've gotten more and more accustomed to the concept of the virtualization of our bodies, with the result of detaching ourselves from the most important sensory experiences. Nowadays we don't have lovers, but friends on Facebook – Whatsapp, and we don't make love or sex, we chat. Also the academic circles have inadvertently managed to transform the topical concept of “cyborg,” stripping away the “naturality” of technological real life body modification, in a “science fiction only” futuribile abstract iconisation.
At the same time (and in western culture), as far as social and cultural identities are concerned, we've been sieged by the “Spectacle Society, ” part of which is the exposure to role models such as pop stars, billionaires with an out of touch life, that are instead becoming not only trendsetters, but also our “maitres a penser”. What we really need instead is to go back to explore & sense our own bodies and recreate our own identities according to our needs as free & diverse individuals.
The maps and the trip guide to this oneself rediscovery can be (VA), the philosophy of managing both extremes at the same time (in this case both male and female roles and bodies), and the Japanese Paradox, where in the most metrosexual country in the world, even street dress style has become a form of reappropriation of individuality against the conformism of work and social control ethics.
Move aside, Lady Gaga. Everyone can be its own star!! (Helena Velena)
Organised by: Aksioma,
City of Women; In collaboration with: Old Power Station - Elektro Ljubljana.
Price (one
performance): € 7, € 5 (students and pensioners upon submission of an identity
card, and self-employed in culture).
Price (both performances (Helena Velena&Cassils)): € 7, € 5 (students and
pensioners upon submission of an identity card, and self-employed in culture).