Feminism, Education and Art (Feminizem, izobraževanje in umetnost)
Today, gender equality is
a subject considered by many to be obsolete. The feminists supposedly fought
our equity quite some time ago, and so the present generation can exercise the
rights they have acquired in an undisturbed and unburdened manner. In the event
that some inequalities still occur, then these must be an individual's problem.
But is this truly the case? In many areas, the statistical data demonstrates
major differences that individuals – if aware enough – can perceive in everyday
life. When accustomed to a certain condition – if present constantly – then we
will most likely find it almost natural, and therefore not an issue. If we are
used to seeing a lot more men than women politicians, we'll consider it normal;
if we are used to seeing significantly more womenthan men artists in museums, we
won't consider this disproportion an issue, but acceptable. The process is also
reversed – things perceived as a fact of nature are self-perpetuated. Therefore
social and political changes require an ongoing analysis of such a condition
and active measures for improvement.
This April, a public letter (http://www.rdecezore.org/?p=4739)
was sent to the Academy of Fine Arts and Design – one of the most important
institutions in Slovenia in the field of art education – posing questions
regarding feminist issues and female professors at the Academy. In relation to
this letter, the public discussion will ask questions: What useful can we learn
from statistics on the situation of women in art? Which artists of both
genders, and which subjects, does the artistic canon praise, and which does it
avoid, and what does this tell us about general social and political
conditions? What role does education have in condition changing and what forms
of education on feminist issues can be found in our country? (Ana Čigon)
This public discussion on feminism, education and
art will be held in two blocks. In the first, their views on the above
mentioned topics will be presented by Ana Grobler, Dr Marina Gržinić, Alen
Ožbolt, Dr Jelena Petrović, Dr Tanja Mastnak and Dr Neva Šlibar. This will be
followed by a debate open to the public. The discussion will be moderated by
Ana Čigon.
Organisation: City of Women; In collaboration with: Museum
of Modern Art.
Public discussion will be
held in Slovene.