Femicomix project includes 17 female comics artists and is an attempt to underline the strength and potential of female original expression in the field of contemporary comics with a focus on presenting a smaller selection of authors. A selection was made of 17 female comic artists from the Komikaze edited issues (print and web).
FEMALE COMICS do not exist in the aesthetic sense. Komikaze are dedicated to the affirmation of independent original comics and the artist original vision. The public perception is that women are not interested in comics. However, there are more and more women creating comics. We consider it important to recognize, define and affirm this scene which is secretive by its nature. One of the missions of the Komikaze programme is an affirmation of female comic artists. Some of them were first published in Komikaze and the network itself was on several occasions recognized as “female” because of its female protagonists. Komikaze editions, which will soon mark its 15th anniversary, have featured more than 60 female artists.
ORIGINAL COMICS balances between comics, street art, action, abstraction and experiment. Its roots derive from animated and experimental film, contemporary literature, music alternatives, graphics and DIY culture. This border position has a goal to develop comics language and to question its limitations. Comics today are a medium which is sovereign when talking about all human dimensions. It asks questions and is searching for new answers. Original comics are comics in which each artist finds an answer to the question what comics are. (Ivana Armanini)
The exhibition will be open until October 19th.
Curated by: Ivana Armanini
Organisation: Komikaze, Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, City of Women.
Free entrance.
Artists and their works (alphabetical order):
Ivana Armanini (Hrvaška)
Logo / 2015
Zombi Proletarian (Zombi proleter)
Comic / 2014
Amanda Baeza (Portugal)
Talc Clouds (Nubes de talco)
Comic / 2014
Petra Balekić (Croatia)
Dreaming of Beauty (Sanjanje o ljepoti)
Comic / 2014
Bojana Bogavac (Montenegro)
Ordinary Superhero (Običan superheroj)
Comic / 2014
Petra Brnardić (Croatia)
Women (Žene)
Comic / 2013
Nele Broenner (Germany)
Comic / 2013
Nina Bunjevac (Canada)
Opportunity Presents Itself
Fragments from the comic / 2007
Waiting for Chip
Comic / 2009
Anna Ehrlemark (Sweden)
Small children
Comic / 2006
The Pioneer
Comic / 2013
Dunja Janković (Croatia)
Abstract Comics (Apstraktni stripi)
Fragments from the series of Comic / 2015
From N to G (Od N do G)
Comic / 2013
Ena Jurov (Croatia)
What’s new in Zagreb? (Šta je novo u Zagrebu?)
Comic / 2014
Amandine Meyer (France)
Comic / 2014
Agneizska Piksa (Poland)
Ghost in the Guilt
Comic / 2011
Ivana Pipal (Croatia)
Hair (Kosa)
Comic / 2012
Lina Rica (Croatia)
Transition (Tranzicija)
Comic / 2015
Neja Tomšič (Slovenia)
A story about a Missing Tent (Zgodba o manjkajočem šotoru)
Comic / 2013
Petra Varl (Slovenia)
Couples (Pari)
Comic / 2014
Katie Woznicki (USA/Serbia)
How to get a gap between your thighs
Comic / 2014