Everything Fits in the Room
Switzerland/Germany / 2016 / 3h
Choreographic Workshop
This workshop proposes a discussion around
architectures for dwelling and practice, an inclusive
methodology that locates ways in which we begin
to navigate the un-governability of all elements
and potentially disruptive information associated
with the maintenance of juxtaposing energies.
Interrogating the phenomenology of utopias solicits
the inherent polemic: the fear that all things won’t fit
to succeed in the imagined dominant path.
The room offers an expanded sight for the
horizon, no longer obliged to rid oneself of the things
that supposedly delay and suspend progress.
Taking to task the integration of each new
entrance or person to the room as the thing itself.
There exists a curiosity regarding how each thing fits.
Participants are invited to engage with accumulative
labour, things to be worked and a culture of
flexibility negotiated in the doing and undoing.
We will work with raw materials such as rope,
chair, ladder, spices, fruit, fixtures, and skins. There
is a culture of care and an interest in continuous
construction as it relates to world building: acts of
labour engaging intimacy, sexuality and economies
of exchange.
If we think of the collection of things in the
room as resembling a familial network, amidst the
fixing, shifting and flexibility of all parts, what is the
risk, what is masked or lost? Who doesn’t fit into the
Prior experiences in choreography, performance
or dance are welcome. The workshop will be held in
Free of charge.
Production and organisation: City of Women, Emanat, Sploh. In collaboration with Dance Theatre Ljubljana.