Car deconstruction
Croatia/The Netherlands / 2012
Durational performance / Workshop 10+
Car Deconstruction has very simple premises.
At the workshop/performance, the artist and a
group of inquisitive girls disassemble a car. They
not only learn how to use tools, but also how to
use their physical skills. The goal of a three-day
deconstruction is not to fully disassemble a car
but rather find and take an autonomous position.
The girls are confronted with unfamiliar tools and
materials, the curious eyes of the audience and
new possibilities of using their own physical skills
and strengths. Other than the actual disassembling,
the car deconstruction performance aims to
deconstruct the social categories of identity,
gender issues and gender roles. Dina Rončević was
confronted with the issue of socially determined
gender roles in her professional retraining when
as a woman she found herself in a distinctively
male environment. Instead of being defeated by the
obstacles, she found another way out – creativity.
Workshop including the participation of girls aged ten to fourteen. Other than disassembling, the car deconstruction performance aims to deconstruct the social categories of identity, gender issues and gender roles.
Finishing with artist-partcipants talk.
Free of charge.
Organization: City of Women. In collaboration with: Emanat, Secondary Vocational and Technical School Bežigrad..