The Red Web
Slovenia / 2016 / 30'
Digital Performance
A digitalised performative installation of a
sexual chatroom in which a female performer
takes her female or male spectator through
a test/experience intertwining the intimate
and public space and through an interface
addressing everything in between.
The focus of interest in this artwork is the
intimate relation of the spectator as an active
communicator to the performer upon entering
one of the sex portals.
It tackles the individual interaction of
the performer with a visitor, challenging the
limits of communication, levels of perception,
intensification of fantasy – as a consequence of a new era of digital reality as a phantasm that
blurs the boundary between the public and
private spaces.
The Red Web is a user’s experience
of an individual’s intimate space which
includes both the real and the fictional
Other at the same time, as well as different
performative strategies that generate and
transform this relation. It is a fusion of digital
communication into a performative situation
that will be created in the interaction
between the user’s desire and its (un)
fulfilment; personal data are valuable goods …
The limits of my interface are the limits of my
world … You get what you click … Freedom is
all around …
Authors: Olja Grubić, Živa Petrič
Menthors: Janez Janša, Andreja Kopač, Teja Reba
To participate in the performance, a reservation is needed.
Please send your name and contact number to sonjagrdina@gmail.com and choose a slot
(day and hour).
October 10th to 13th at 5pm / 5.30pm / 6pm / 7pm /
7.30pm / 8pm / 9pm / 9.30pm / 10pm / 11pm
Free entry.
Production: Aksioma – Zavod za sodobne umetnosti
Coproduction: City of Women
Special thanks to: JSKD, Republic of Slovenia, Public Fund
for Cultural Activities