Strawberry Fields Forever
Serbia / 2015 / 30'
What are the values we aspire to
in Europe today? What is it that brings
these twenty- eight different countries,
numerous languages, religions and
spaces of cultural heritage together?
European history was written and
rewritten in wars, struggles and the
suffering of its peoples - lessons we
had to learn to arrive at where we are
today. And, for sure, we could think
of these conflicting differences as the
main obstacle in creating something
we could call European identity. But
what our rich and inspiring, even
if sometimes turbulent, history also
offers is another intrepretation.
A short piece about the other side of European
cultural identity.
In English.
Tickets: € 7 / € 5 (ticket also valid for the perforamnce A Letter to Haseeba)
Supported by Goethe Institut Warsaw, in cooperation with the
Centre for Culture Lublin, Obcanske sdruzeni Motus in Prague
and the State School of Dance in Athens with the support of
the Culture Programme of the European Union.
Organisation: City of Women. In collaboration with Bunker /
Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana.