26. September 2017
14.00 – 17.00

No Reading. No Eating.

Slovenia / 2017
Feminist Reading Canteen / Announcing Festival Event

There will be on the menu – besides the ingredients for common preparation of a meal – selected texts from the history and contemporaneity of feminism. While reading the texts and in discussion about them, the feminist reading canteen will be dedicated to debates about reproductive rights, alternative forms of social organisations and different ways of life reproduction.

Although food preparation is among the chores that are traditionally binding woman to her home, we will, this time, take the advantage of the moment of food preparation and consumption, which means socialising and celebrating, for the formation of a feminist community.

You will need to register to participate in the event at sestrovscina.delfina@gmail.com by September 19 so that we can send you the chosen texts (in English), which you will need to read beforehand.

The ingredients for food preparation will be available on the spot, but you are also welcome to bring a treat with you.

Free entry.

Concept and execution: The Sisterhood of the Proud Dolphin.

Production: City of Women. In cooperation with JSKD.



