Rok Vevar

Rok Vevar (born 1973) is a writer covering contemporary scenic arts theory and history, and a contemporary dance historian and archivist. He graduated in comparative literature and literary theory at the University of Ljubljana, studied theatre directing at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film, and Television in Ljubljana, and also took courses at the Kodum Theatre and Puppetry School in Ljubljana. His texts have been published in numerous Slovenian daily newspapers and in several Slovenian and international journals of scenic arts and literature. He is the author of the book Rok za oddajo – Izbrane kritike in članki (Litera, 2011). Together with Simona Semenič, he directed three productions/performances: Polna pest praznih rok/A Fistful of Empty Hands (Muzeum, 2001), Solo brez talona/Solo With no Talon (Glej, Maska, 2005), and Kartografija celovečernih slik/Cartography of a Feature-length Slide Show (Maska, 2005). He also co-created three productions with the dancer, choreographer and director Jana Menger, also appearing in the latter two: Gledališče/Theatre (Vitkar, 2010), V postopku/In the Process (APT Novo mesto, 2011), Banana Split (AGRFT, 2015). He is the author of the performance-lecture Kako se je moje življenje spremenilo v festival/How My Life Turned into a Festival (2011–13).

In 2011, Rok Vevar founded the Temporary Slovene Dance Archive in his apartment in Ljubljana. So far, it has been presented in art spaces in Zagreb, Croatia, and Sofia, Bulgaria, and at Harvard, Cambridge Mass. In 2015, the TSDA hosted members of the Eastern European network EEPAP, students of the master’s degree program in choreography at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Giessen, Germany, and students of the master’s degree program in dramaturgy at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film, and Television in Ljubljana.

Source: SiGledal