Bojana Kunst
Bojana Kunst is a philosopher, dramaturg and theoretician of contemporary performing arts. She is a professor at the Institute of Applied Theatre Studies at the University Justus Liebig in Gießen, where she has been heading the international MA programme Choreography and Performance since 2012. After finishing her PhD in philosophy at the University of Ljubljana and her post-doctoral studies at the University in Antwerp and the University of Ljubljana, she was a guest professor at several European art academies and universities, led dramaturgy workshops and worked as a dramaturg, advisor and lecturer. She is the author of several books and editor of many monographs, including: Višnje v čokoladi (Sour Cherries in Chocolate, 1995), Nemogoče telo (The Impossible Body, 1997), Nevarne povezave (Dangerous Connections, 2004), Umetnik na delu. Bližina umetnosti in kapitalizma (2013), translated as Artist at Work: Proximity of Art and Capitalism (2015).