The Pussy Project
The Pussy Project is a series of photographs of the part of female anatomy so many people
have trouble describing, let alone viewing. Carolyn Cowan has been able to
intimately record these little landscapes of folds of flesh and invitations to
pleasure and fecundity in a way that truly invites a sense of pulling back the
veils and curtains of stereotype. As you dare to look, experience the
extraordinary beauty of this bringer of life, entrance to the passage of
pleasure and facilitator of daily function in all its shapes, sizes and
textures. This series challenges us to stare into the eye of womanhood and to embrace
its undulations and hidden promises in a celebration of a mystery such has been
revered throughout the centuries and, thankfully, no longer hidden but on view
for all to enjoy. This project has been commissioned for City of Women 2011. (Predrag Pajdic)
Production and organisation: City of Women; In collaboration with: Škuc