Dear Duša (Draga Duša)

Drolc and Iva Zupančič; two brilliant Slovene theatre and film actresses, meet
in a forest of memories where they talk about their lives. They go back to
their childhood, their youth, to the source of their creative efforts. They go
back to ponder on the sense of the acting profession, to nights where they
spent too long on stage under the floodlights. They revive their existences in
all the dimensions of Plato's definition of a soul intertwined by logos as a
thought, thinking, knowing, thymos as emotion and eros as desire. All of that
what constitutes and obsesses an artist, actress, mother, wife, lover,
grandmother and daughter on a long creative journey mixed with successes,
unusual adventures, a rollercoaster of emotions, falls, tears, darkness, light,
yearnings, smiles, stage makeup, flowers and audience. Dear Duša is at the same
time an intergenerational conflict, ruminating on eternity and
on aging, age and remembering which triggers in a theatre like in a
cell of
memory. The performance is a collage of scenes from various dramas,
conflicts, wishes, passions and transitoriness, disappearing. It is
an infinite
forest of memories and a remembering of theatrical souls that lived
and worked
with Duša Počkaj to whom the performance is dedicated on the 30th
anniversary of her death. (Barbara Kapelj)

Barbara Kapelj; Co-authors: Štefka Drolc, Iva Zupančič; Dramaturgy consultant: Ivanka Mežan, Blaž Lukan, Nataša Berce; Music by: Eduardo Raon; Video by: Luka Umek

City of Women, Cankarjev dom, Generator Institute.

Supported by: A Space for
Live Art.

Additional re-runs will be held on October 16th and

Artists and collaborators
Iva Zupančič
Štefka Drolc
Barbara Kapelj