The position of a Female Music Artist in Slovenia
The public tribune will address the social, class, economic, artistic and status position of female music artists in Slovenia, as well as their possibilities to create. Talking with composers, singers-songwriters and other sound artists, we will discuss the questions of spaces – institutional and the so-called alternative ones –, fees and gender differences in the musical mainstream, we will look at the listings of big (and small) concert halls, and see the options for self-organisation and other ways of manoeuvring and/or interfering with the established music structures.
Moderator: Nina Dragičević
Guests: Larisa Vrhunc, Urška Preis, Bogdana Herman, Katarina Juvančič, Irena Tomažin Zagoričnik, Urška Pompe.
Free entrance.
Concept: Nina Dragičević.
Production: City of Women. Co-production: Kino Šiška, Nina Dragičević.