8. October 2019
10.00 – 15.00

“Beauvoir between History, Philosophy and Writing the Self III”

// in Slovenian //

  • 12.00–14.00, Lecture hall 434

Who is afraid of (the second/other) sex?
Round table

The discussion will be focused on the actual conceptual and political struggles in the fields of feminism and gender and the related topics: from new history of feminism to the abolishment of “gender theory” at the universities, from the invisibility of the second sex to the #MeToo movements, from the alleged sexual abuse in the preschools to the eternal homophobia of the newly emerging forms of fascism and totalitarianism.

Organisation and co-ordination: Eva D. Bahovec
Participating: Ana Jereb, Vesna Leskošek, Metka Mencin Čeplak, Polona Mesec, Darja Rakovič, Dali Regent.

  • 14.00–16.00, Department of Philosophy Library, 4th floor

The Second Sex and »us«

Simone de Beauvoir’s seminal book The Second Sex provided a major break with the long history of misogyny in philosophy, history and psychoanalysis, artistic creation and every-day life, whereas the recent history of our region offers new ways of reading this great book, and new paths for situated knowledge and autobiographies to be inscribed on the map of the revolutionary legacy as well as new forms of resistance.

Organisation and co-ordination: Eva D. Bahovec, Marjetka Ščelkov
Participating: Margareta Ðorđić, Suzana Koncut, Ana Maskalan, Polona Mesec, Marija Ott Franolić, Andrea Svilarić, Marta Verginella.
  • 16.00–17.00, Department of Philosophy Library, 4th floor

Presentation of new feminist publications

The following books will be presented: 

Olympe de Gouges: The Rights of Woman
Žiga Brdnik (author), Miha T. Sonda (co-author): Ekstremno slovensko, pogovori s slovenskimi filmskimi ustvarjalkami

Participating: Eva D. Bahovec, Marta Verginella.
Free entrance.


Organization: City of Women, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb. Supported by: Ministry of Culture, City of Ljubljana.

Artists and collaborators
Suzana Koncut
Marta Verginella
Margareta Đordić
Ana Jereb
Vesna Leskošek
Ana Maskalan
Metka Mencin Čeplak
Polona Mesec
Marija Ott Franolić
Dali Regent
Andrea Svilarić
Darja Rakovič