photo: Nada Žgank
photo: Nada Žgank
29. November 2023
9.00 – 10.10
30. November 2023
12.00 – 13.10
youth theater performance for schools.
under the mentorship of Nataše Živković and Sare Šabec

Everything is Alright


The City of Women Association invites you to join high school students in the youth theater performance "Everything is Alright" (70', 2021), created in collaboration with the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, under the mentorship of Nataša Živković and Sara Šabec.

The selected high school students, during the period from February to October 2021, closely examined the institution of school, both in-person and remotely. They were interested in the established school routine and its impact on the process of growing up, particularly the question of what is considered acceptable in school and what is not. What lessons do we learn beyond the stated objectives? What happens beyond the official curriculum? What do teachers do consciously and unconsciously? What happens in the hallways during breaks? What becomes ingrained in us during our schooling? What values does the school system promote, and what values should it promote? What kind of school do we actually want, and what changes are within our power?

This is a performance about school or rather a "performance about performances about school," told from the perspective of young people embedded in the school system here and now. The students in the production touch on topics related to the official and hidden school curriculum, interpersonal relationships, classroom and hallway hierarchies, and, not least, educational reforms in Slovenia.

You can watch the performance on Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at 9:00 AM, and on Thursday, November 30, 2023, at 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM, at the Srednja vzgojiteljska šola, gimnazija in umetniška gimnazija (Kardeljeva ploščad 28a) in Ljubljana.

For more information and reservations, please contact Sara Šabec at or 041 889 001.

Ticket prices:

  • Individual ticket: €6
  • Group of over 30 participants: €5 per person
  • Group of 150 participants: €500

The production is part of the BePart project, supported by the Creative Europe program.

More instances

9.00 – 10.10
12.00 – 13.10
Artists and collaborators
Nataša Živković