Photo: Nada Žgank
Photo: Nada Žgank
21. June 2021
20.00 – 22.00

Rooms of Their Own

Barbara Kapelj
Rooms of Their Own 

Exhibition project opening


In Slovenian
Free admission

The project Rooms of Their Own draws on the documentary, research, and artistic process with a primary focus on the spaces where women artists of diverse generations and genres daily create their works. How do they imagine the ideal room of their own? How, in what circumstances, do they create in the time of the pandemic and closed cultural venues? 

Participants: Lea Aymard, Eva D. Bahovec, Ivana Djilas, Alenka Kreč Bricel, Ema Kugler, Tamara Lašič Jurković, Urša MenartSuzana Tratnik and  Metka Zupanič.

The project Rooms of Their Own is co-authored by Borut Savski and Stefan Doepner.

Before the opening, at 19.00, there will be a round-table discussion Rooms of Their Own – The First 100 Years

The exhibition will be open until 25 June, every weekday between 12.00 and 19.00. 

Author: Barbara Kapelj; co-authors: Borut Savski and Stefan Doepner; curator: Iva Kovač; production: City of Women; co-production: Cirkulacija 2 and Zavod Generator. Supported by: Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Public Administration, and Municipality of Ljubljana; sponsored by Tosama d.o.o. and JP VOKA SNAGA. Special thanks to  Ita in Iuna Osredkar, Sanja Simić, Igor Dujmović, Jerko Gluščevič, Breda in Bojan Kapelj, Jan Zupančič,  Matjaž Ferfolja, Klemen Petrovič,



Artists and collaborators
Barbara Kapelj
Lea Aymard
Suzana Tratnik
Ivana Djilas
Metka Zupanič
Urša Menart
Tamara Lašič Jurković
Alenka Kreč Bricel
Stefan Doepner
Borut Savski
Eva D. Bahovec
Video: Tina Šulc