It was in October 2005 that Lana and Nenad (KITCH) performed a public happening – a marriage at the Castle of Ljubljana with the heartfelt support of City of Women. Apart from the inevitable best man and good fairy, the event also gathered together the Sestre trio, MEM Couture, MM Checkman, DJane Kuroko, and a glorious wedding cake to top it all off. All this, only to place the traditional institution of marriage, together with its kitschy ceremony, in front of a mirror to be looked at from a reflexive afar. Four years of marriage have passed since then and the time has come for the wedded pair to acquire something slightly more substantial than the mere sanctity and purity of matrimony, namely Slovenian citizenship. While the bride’s application is currently pending, the anniversary of the happy event is approaching, which is reason enough for KITCH and City of Women to join forces and throw an anniversary party together with the married couple spinning exquisite disco-trash-punk records. Everybody is warmly invited to a hot party, which aims to banish the once privileged meaning of the institution of marriage and bring the latter down to a mere symbolic and universally accessible ceremony. In this way we can either laugh at it or enjoy it immensely, since marriage thus perceived is nothing but an entertaining burlesque! Lana Zdravković