
When not indicated otherwise, ticket reservations for festival events can be made through the City of Women Association. Contact:, +386 (0)1 43 81 585. Lower prices apply to the self-employed, the unemployed, pensioners, young people and asylum seekers.

For other events, reservations and ticket purchases can be made at the relevant venues and through their websites according to the particular venue’s rules, which also specify the groups entitled to a discount.

Buy the festival ticket at a reduced price of 28 € to see all events with an admission fee. More information at or the info point opposite the Pritličje Bar (Mestni trg 2).

If you can, make a donation to the City of Women. Find us at the festival info point, in the festival centre, or donate directly to our bank account: SI56 6100 0001 0484 010, purpose of payment: Donation 2022.