Rocío Boliver aka LA CONGELADA DE UVA
For the last twenty years Rocío Boliver has been active in the actual international art circuit. In 1991 she started her performance career with the reading of her porno-erotic texts, concentrating her proposals in criticizing repression of women.
“In this pasteurized society, I prefer to cause disgust, hatred, rejection, confusion, weariness, anxiety, hostility, fear ... to further promote mental asepsis.”
If for some theorists performance is “the most radical of the arts”, the actions and themes that Rocío Boliver aka La Congelada de Uva (Grape Iced Bar), has carried out during more than twenty years, places her in the most radical wing in the history of the Art of the Body, in Mexico. Her body art explains how the Dadaist spirit of the happening and of the boutade, takes possession of Rocío Boliver’s personality until turning her into her more tenacious and brilliant emissary: La Congelada de Uva. Situationist leader of the Epiphenomenon of sexual character in Mexico, La Congelada openly exhibits her dangerous vision of feminism, and places her exotic genitality in the center of her speech. La Congelada de Uva is a lasting icon of the underground culture in Mexico City. Besides being a fundamental piece for the full comprehension of time and movement, it is a fact that, at least, we already owe to her the creation of some of the most delirious and provocative images in the field of Art in Mexico.