Voltage Waves
The Clockwork Voltage community came together two years ago out of a passion for modular sound synthesizers, with the aim of promoting live performances and modular synthesis in a local context. Before long, members self-reflectively realized that they were attracting too few flinta (non-cis-male) individuals. Therefore, at the event Voltage Waves, new members will present their devices and delight us with exceptional soundscapes and dance rhythms created live using both sound and visual synthesizers. The community is open to a wide range of genres and diverse analog formats, from Eurorack, Buchla, and Ciat-Lonbarde, to a broad spectrum of DIY analog instruments, dawless setups, vintage sound synthesizers, and even the VCV Rack 2 simulator. The breadth of the community is also represented by the first compilation, Happy Little Voltages, which featured contributions from 17 local musicians. The community's doors remain wide open for flinta individuals with a passion for analog music and visual creativity.