Traveller 1001 x 1 Red Shoe A (Popotnica 1001 x 1 rdeči čevelj A)
The installation is a mix of sounds of walking recorded between 2005 and 2007, mainly in 2006 in the building on the Ulica Kralja Držislava 2, Zagreb, where the offices of ROSA (Centre for the Women Victims of War), Women Support Centre and Kontra lesbian group were located. Other recordings were made in Ljubljana, Dolnja Briga and New York. The infinite “wavy sea” of the sounds of women’s walk is interrupted by the voice of Zagreb’s years long feminist activist cursing: “Fucking hell. Another kick in the teeth.” Meanwhile, there is a recording of a brief introduction of two people. The first, Nela Pamuković, who opens the door, says: “Nela,” to which the artist answers: “Aprilija.”
The installation fills the gallery with repetitive and rhythmic sounds that grow into contemporary concrete music. The sounds are made upon the contact of a foot with a floor - i.e., a shoe striking the floor when a body moves in a chosen direction. Shod feet are a legacy of civilisation whilst particular shoes represent cultural, gender and class identification.
Although the sounds are recorded at real and known places, the work has anything but a documentary character. It is general, abstract and eternal; the audience doesn't know where the woman is headed, where she is and who she is talking to. It is a contemporary sound piece in the field between experimental composition and immaterial sound installation. What is particularly exciting about this piece is the minimal use of construction elements. The installation is a story about a woman and her embeddedness in the environment which has for years been a focus of the artist's activity in the field of feminist art practice. (Lilijana Stepančič)
Organisation: City of Women, Zavod za kulturo 21; In collaboration with: Alkatraz Gallery.
Free entrance.